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Food and Nutrition

Wild Blueberries vs Organic (Health and Flavor Differences)

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Blueberries are an amazing fruit that are praised for their health benefits and delicious taste. When it comes to buying blueberries, a few terms often catch the eye: wild and organic blueberries. While these berries may seem similar at first glance, there actually is a difference between them beyond the name.

Differences Between Wild Blueberries and Organic Blueberries

Both wild and organic blueberries are delicious healthy bits of nature that we should enjoy as much as we can. So what is the significant difference? Short answer, wild blueberries are smaller but have more antioxidants and fiber than your traditional organic blueberry. Downside, wild blueberries only grow in certain areas so are much harder to find fresh. To dive more in to the differences, I breakdown the different growing conditions, flavor, size, and nutrition here.

Origins and Growing Conditions

Wild blueberries, as the name suggests, grow naturally in the wild. These berries have adapted to their surroundings over centuries, developing unique flavors and nutritional profiles shaped by the specific conditions of their habitat. Wild blueberry plants are lowbush blueberries that often grow in open blueberry fields.

Most wild blueberries are actually grown in a region in Maine where the growing conditions have made them thrive. If you are in other areas of the country, wild blueberries are much harder to come by. They are only native species to certain areas on the northeast United States and eastern Canada.

On the other hand, organic blueberries are cultivated through agricultural practices that prioritize natural methods, avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. While organic berries may not have the same level of biodiversity as wild berries, they are grown with a commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Organic blueberries can be grown in a much more diverse setting since they do not need to be naturally native to the area. You can even grow your own blueberries at home.


Wild blueberries are often described as a more intense flavor compared to their cultivated counterparts. This is attributed to the diverse range of nutrients and compounds they absorb from their natural surroundings. The wild environment contributes to a robust and distinctive taste, making wild blueberries a favorite among enthusiasts who appreciate a burst of natural flavor.

Organic blueberries, while still delicious, may not possess the same depth of flavor as their wild counterparts. However, they offer a reliable and consistent taste, thanks to controlled growing conditions that aim to optimize sweetness and juiciness.

Size and Appearance

Both wild and organic blueberries are dark blue or dark purple in color. One noticeable difference between wild and organic blueberries is their size. Wild blueberries are generally smaller and have a more varied size range. Their appearance may be less uniform, showcasing the uniqueness of each berry. In contrast, organic or conventional blueberries are typically larger and more uniform in size and color due to controlled cultivation.

The size of the plants they grow on are different as well. While most of the blueberries you find in the store are from highbush blueberries while wild blueberries are grown on lowbush plants. Both produce a significant amount of berries but high bush blueberries tend to grow more. A lowbush blueberry plant produces a smaller quantity of tiny wild blueberries but they also tend to take up less space.

Nutritional Content

Both wild and organic blueberries boast great nutrition profiles, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. However, the specific composition of these nutrients can vary.

Wild blueberries, often have a higher levels of certain antioxidant properties and phytochemicals. Some are up to double the amount of antioxidants that you would find in your traditional blueberry varieties. Wild blueberries also tend to contain more fiber.


Wild blueberry season is from late July to early September. This is when you will be able to find fresh berries. Organic blueberry season is more year round since there are many different regions they can grow in. You can typically find blueberries in your local supermarket any time of year. If you are in the northern US you will have fresh berries around the same time, July and August. If you live the southern US, or in zones 9-11, your blueberry season will be closer to March-June.

Blueberries growing on a bush.

Are wild blueberries healthier that regular blueberries?

When choosing blueberries based on the nutritional value, you really can’t beat wild blueberries. Wild blueberries tend to have more fiber and double the dietary antioxidant power than regular blueberries.

Even though wild blueberries have some extra benefits, any type of blueberry is great to add to a healthy diet. They both have a lot of antioxidants which is great for your immune system and hearth hearth. They also are a good source of vitamin c and vitamin k.

All types of blueberries have been associated to heart health, brain health, and even bone health. You can learn more about the health benefits of blueberries with this post on the topic.

What about conventional blueberries?

While the best way to enjoy blueberries are wild or organic, you may not always be able to find them. The good news is all blueberries have great health benefits. The main difference is the use of pesticides. Most conventional blueberries are found to have at least 2 types of pesticides. All berries tend to have high use of pesticides to try and get the most yield they can. With that said, make sure to wash your blueberries before eating to remove any pesticide residue.

If you want find them try to reach of wild or organic. I also think organic blueberries tend to have a more intense blueberry flavor than the conventional varieties.

Wild Blueberry Recipes

You can really use wild blueberries in the same way that you use regular blueberries. They are great in oatmeal, yogurt, or in your favorite muffin recipe.

Where to Find Wild Blueberries

The one downside of wild blueberries is their availability. Since they can’t be grown everywhere you are hard to find fresh wild blueberries. Instead you can often find them in the frozen section of the grocery store. I know I can find them at my local Whole Foods.

Sometimes you can even find wild blueberry powder. This can be added to smoothies or desserts. It's a fun way to bring in that bright purple color to you cooking.

Most fresh blueberries you find will be of a more traditional or conventional grower.

Other great ways to enjoy wild blueberries are in wild blueberry juice or even freeze-dried.


Ultimately, the decision between wild and organic blueberries depends on personal preferences, and the importance placed on factors such as flavor, size, nutrition, and growing practices. Whichever you choose, indulging in the goodness of blueberries is a delightful journey into the world of one of nature's most beloved fruits.

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